These are some of the product we can supply and much more:
To Order please contact us at 021 422 0122
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Cups all sizes
- plastic vending cups
- paper vending cups
- lids for vending cups
Freeze dried coffee (10 x 300g)
- Columbian
- Premium Roast
- Decaffinated
- Fairtrade
Ground coffee (6 x 1kg)
- Cafe Parisien
- Cafe Venezia
- Cafe Acona
- Instant Tea (6 x 250g)
- Lemon Tea (4 x 1kg)
- Leaf Tea (12 x 500g)
- Freeze Dried Tea (6 x 150g)
Sugar (6 x 2kg)
Vending Sugar
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CHOCOLATES (10 x 1kg)
- Blue Label
- Creemchoc
- Classic
- Continental
- Whipchoc
- Fairtrade
Fruitflavoured syrups (2 x 5ltr)
- Blackcurrant
- Cola
- Lemon
- Lemon & Lime
- Orange
- Lime
Soups (4 x 1kg)
- Chicken
- Oxtail
- Tomato
- Vegetable
Whiteners (10 x 750g)
- Non Dairy Creamer (Low fat)
- Kreamer (High fat)
- Vendcharm
- Cappuccino Topping